The Maurepas Wolves were at the Frost Falcons gym on Nov. 9, 2022. The game started at 7:30 and went into overtime, lasting until 9:30. The game was toe-on-toe for most of the second and first periods. Although Frost won in the end by the jump ball, they were down by ten points in the first and second periods then down by three points in the third and fourth. During the fourth period, Player 30, known as Bradyn Turner, shot a ball that caused the players to go into overtime. This was Frost’s first overtime in the current season. The audience was thrilled and filled with anticipation. Despite still being behind, the Frost Falcons were determined. The Falcons won the jump ball for the second time and scored the first ball in overtime. Frost was making a recovery but Maurepas was still in the lead by three points. Frost’s Player 21, Marques Palacios, scored a layup and one free throw. It was within the last ten seconds of overtime that Player 40, Kaiden Barnett, had shot a layup and swished the ball into the net. The Falcons were only behind by one point. Thankfully, the referees called a foul against Maurepas, allowing Kaiden Barnett 3 free throws. Barnett scored the last point of the game which led to the Frost Falcons being victorious with a score of 33 to 30.
Written by: 8th grade boys basketball
Edited by: Brielle Tullos
